Ticket Office

Tickets to Malmitalo performances are primarily sold by Lippupiste. This means that you can also buy your ticket at R-kioski and other Lippupiste outlets

If you buy your tickets directly at Malmitalo, no service charge will be applied. See lippu.fi for the delivery fee charged by R-kioski, the webstore and other ticket outlets besides Malmitalo.

You can also book tickets by calling the Savoy theatre ticket office Tue–Fri 15–18, tel. 09 310 12000 (local network charge). 

Vouchers and discount cards:You can pay for tickets to our performances using Smartum culture vouchers, the Edenred ‘Virikeseteli’, Epassi, and SmartumPay.

Malmitalo also sells Lippupiste tickets to other events not held at Malmitalo.